Monday, March 24, 2014


I ll soon be offering pet grooming,that's reliable and inexpensive! If you would to have your pet groomed e mail me! And i will give you details! 

Thank you,

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Grooming a Newfoundland

Hello Today well be talking about grooming a Newfoundland,
    These dogs are huge dogs that require a lot of brushing with an undercoat rake. I would first start of grooming a Newfoundland by spending at least thirty minutes just brushing it out with an undercoat rake, then after you feel like you got enough hair out, you can now bathe your Newfoundland, just by using whatever you usually use for shampoo and conditioner , after the bath you must towel dry very well, and then you can use the high velocity in the tub till the dog is not dripping wet anymore. Once the dog is not dripping anymore you can groom this dog on the floor as dog will not fit on most grooming tables. As you high velocity you can also you the undercoat rake as this will make the drying process a bit faster and decrease the amount of tangles you have to brush out after the dog is all dry. When the dog is half dry you can use a detangler that is meant for dogs, this will help when trying to get tangles out. I would recommend using Glocoat as this product is good quality.